Trump calls for $ 4.1 billion to begin construction of the border wall
President Donald Trump calls for funds for the construction of the border wall with Mexico.
The White House began Thursday a budget that includes $ 4.1 billion for a border wall over the next year, for the time being, without forcing Mexico to provide for it, one of the promises of its campaign.
The plan also moves away from promises to dramatically expand Border Patrol reinforcements and immigration agents.
Trump asked the United States Congress $ 1.5 billion to begin planning for the construction of the wall for the remainder of 2017 and $ 2.6 billion by 2018 in its federal budget proposal.
"It's all we think we can spend this year," White House budget director Mick Mulvaney said on Wednesday. "The next question will be how many miles of wall are built. We do not know the answer to that question because we have not decided on the types of construction. We have not decided where we're going to start. "
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What Mulvaney emphasized is that the Trump government wants to start construction of the wall as soon as possible, and throughout the campaign, the president promised to build a "big and beautiful wall" and have Mexico pay for it.
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