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Texas man sentenced to 30 years in prison for prostitution of teenage daughter

A Texas father forced his 16-year-old daughter to have sex with truckers for money after hearing that she had an active sex life, People magazine confirms.

On Monday, the man pleaded guilty to aggravated prostitution, on the same day he was sentenced to 30 years in prison, a Harris County court official confirms. (To keep the identity of the anonymous victim, People is not using his father's name).

The man from Baytown, Texas, was arrested for the sex offense in June 2015, after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received an anonymous call that a father was "pimping" his daughter, according to a statement By the Harris County Prosecutor's Office.
According to JoAnne Musick, head of the DA's Division of Sexual Offenses, the 16-year-old told investigators in 2014 that she was forced into prostitution by her father after he knew she had had sex with a partner .

"Basically, he said, 'Well, if that's how you're going to act, we could also make money,'" Musick says.
Several times a week, the girl was forced by her father to knock on the doors of trucks that were in parking lots and offer sex for money, according to the statement.

"When it turned out to be lucrative, she raised the ante and put it on Backpage and led her to more of the sex industry by posting photos and setting dates," says Musick.
The father's online messages described her daughter as "sexy and sweet," "super-clean" and the "perfect girl" who wanted to "party," reports ABC7.

"It's sad and horrible," says Musick about the crime, adding that the girl's mother had died and that the money earned from the practice was for family expenses.
The 46-year-old father has been behind bars since his arrest in June

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