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Erik Hayser and his new show Netflix: 'It was a dizzying experience

For Erik Hayser, the starring role in Unruly, which could end up making it a household name throughout Latin America, was an unexpected gift. Initially, the series' number one as Telemundo's Miserables was in the running for another role in the Netflix project, not the fictional president of Mexico Diego Nava. But then they decided to take a picture of suit, pretending to be President and put it next to the image of Kate del Castillo, who had already been chosen to act as First Lady. "There they said: this is the presidential couple," recalls Erik, on the phone from Miami.

"And so, really without auditioning for the character, I stayed with him," confesses the actor of 36 years before adding that he was not worried that the character died in the first minutes of the first chapter (although it continues to appear later through flashbacks ), Triggering the plot. "After I read the first chapter, I told them, 'I do not need to read any more'. With that first chapter and with that first sequence, I had already decided to do it, because it seemed to me very, very, very forcefully. "

Erik also thinks it normal that people want to look for some resemblance to physical and style between his character in Unruly and the current Mexican president, even if it is an action thriller and not a political commentary on the Mexican reality. "Eh, it seems to me a normal process because people just see what they know and what they have in front, and I think the look maybe a bit similar, but because the story has nothing to do with it, it goes much more There, "says the actor. "I think the interesting thing about this project is that it counts much further, and that it focuses on the humanity of the characters more than in the political world. And that, therefore, opens a range of opportunities for the viewer very interesting.

"It seems to me that it makes a recreation of the reality that is going through our country and this seems very fortunate," Hayser elaborates on the series and how it shows poles of Mexico, from the circles of greater power to the popular strata of Tepito and the bottom of the underworld. "I think we are living moments in which, then, the stories have to be much more complex and somehow have to put the viewer a mirror on the front, are projects that, rather than deliver answers, generate questions to the viewer To be able to go beyond the entertainment. I think that's what we look for as artists: to do a project that not only entertains the viewer but also questions it, confronts it and can open discussion points to talk so that we can as a society move to better places. I think that's what makes it ungovernable: to pose a Mexico of questions, a Mexico in which we can all question what is what we are looking for. "

Unmanageable gave Erik the chance to meet and work with Kate del Castillo, an experience he does not hesitate to call "incredible." "I was not fortunate enough to meet her, not even personally," he says, "and I found myself a complete actress, an actress committed to what she says, to what she thinks, to what she does. And chemistry, because it came naturally from the beginning, maybe because somehow we are very similar as actors. " That chemistry, he says, I believe in the set a creative process "vertiginous".

Erik is mysterious about the many projects he is involved in, although he admits to having a "dreamy" 2016, and that will translate into different screens and markets: "There are more surprises and surprises that keep me coming. Nothing more to the public of Mexico, but to the world. " However, although unruly he could turn him into a star in parts of the planet that still do not know his face, Erik claims to be enjoying doing what he loves: acting.

"I have never sought this subject of fame or success as such," he says. "I am struggling to have a respectable career, a career in which I can see myself in different characters, in which I as an artist can express myself and somehow contribute to make this world a better world; Continue to do projects with a solid content, with different proposals and projects that can always provide the viewer with quality because I believe that is what the viewer deserves, each time: a higher quality television. That is my goal, and above all to put the name of Mexico very high. "