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Beyoncé beat record of 'likes' on Instagram, beating Selena Gomez

The picture of her pregnancy announcement has so far more than nine million likes, while Selena's most popular image has just over six million.

Until a few days ago,Selena Gomez  was the absolute queen of the Instagram with photography with more number of likes. Neither Taylor Swift nor the Kardashian had been able to fulfill that achievement and was the singer of brown hair who left behind ... But this reign lasted only a few months, because on February 1 Beyoncé announced her pregnancy with a fabulous photograph, So far, more than nine million 'like'.
With this brand, 'Bey' leaves behind Selena Gomez, with a difference of just over three million likes in her popular post, where you see soda from the packaging of a popular brand. Despite the loss, Selena is still the most followed person on Instagram, with 108 million followers, while the Single Ladies performer has just over 93 million.

After defeating Selena and publishing the first picture of her tummy, Jay Z's wife decided to share with her followers the rest of her photo shoot and left everyone speechless. It is incredible! And best of all is that in the images appears her daughter Blue Ivy, who in a few months will become older sister by double game.

On her official website, Beyoncé published a series of photographs and beautiful thoughts about her double motherhood, as well as her first pregnancy. The images were a success and have gone around the world, making it the mom to be the most chic of the moment.AA

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