Once again, the princes Jacques and Gabrielle take full care of a celebration
The twins of Alberto and Charlene of Monaco participated for the first time of the festival of Santa Devota

Not surprisingly, every time that Alberto and Charlene of Monaco make a public appearance accompanied by their children, the princes Jacques and Gabrielle, the little ones quickly become the undisputed protagonists. On this occasion, two-year-old children, who increasingly participate in more celebrations, joined the traditional appearance of their parents on the occasion of the holiday of Santa Devota, patron of the Principality.

Princes Jacques and Gabriella have debuted at this event conquering everyone with their smiles and greetings from the balcony of the Palace, in the arms of Alberto and Charlene of Monaco. During the procession, the royal couple accompanied the image of Santa Devota, the same to which Princess Charlene offered her bouquet after her wedding. Fulfilling the tradition, the princes set a fishing boat on fire on the afternoon of January 26 in memory of a captain who was captured for stealing the relics of the saint.

Recall that it was last December when the children participated in the traditional children's party and gift delivery. There, the little princes walked out of the hands of their most smiling parents, but it was at the sight of one of the enormous teddies Gabriella was frightened and burst into tears. In contrast, Jacques was serene and funny interacting with stuffed animals and posing with their parents in front of the cameras. The boy gladly greeted the crowded crowd, proving to have more ease than his sister in public acts.
The truth is that we have been told many times that we saw princes Jacques and Gabrielle as to compare how much they have grown between one event and the next. The National Day, the gift delivery at Christmas, the picnic at the end of the summer ... and now Santa Devota are dates already stipulated in their official agendas!
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