Nutrition: The lemon, a magnificent 'ally' to purify the body
This fruit has a high depurative power, something especially interesting after so much excess gastro holiday. In addition, it has many other beneficial properties for the body. We summarize the most important ones.
On the nutritional and dietary properties of the lemon, books and entire books could be written. And it is that this fruit of Asian origin was already used for curative purposes by the most ancient civilizations.
Among its benefits, it is worth mentioning its great purifying power, making it a magnificent 'ally' now that the culinary feasts of Christmas have ended and it is time to recover good eating habits. And is that a few drops of lemon in a glass of water taken on an empty stomach will help us eliminate toxins (a gesture that, logically, must accompany a healthy diet and physical exercise).
Beyond this purifying property, the lemon counts, as we say, other great advantages, being the most detailed:
- Its antioxidant power (able to help us counteract the effects of free radicals, thus preventing premature aging).
In addition, its high content of vitamin C makes it ideal food to combat colds, inflammation of tonsils, bronchitis and mild infections.

- Lemon also improves the function of the digestive system due to its high content of vegetable fiber.

- Its low caloric intake (just 30 calories per 100 grams) makes it an ideal food for inclusion in slimming diets (in juices, as an ingredient for dressings, etc.).

-To get the best out of it when you want to squeeze it, run it under hot water and then roll it over a hard surface pressing it gently.
-If you do not have a juicer and you need to get a splash of juice, stick a match in the matchless part, remove it and shake hands. Another way can be by traversing it from tip to tip with a needle.
-The best place to keep them is in the drawer of the vegetables, since at room temperature they will dry before.
-You can also keep them by putting them in a container with fresh water, which you must change every day.
- The rounder ones usually have more juice; Keep it in mind when buying.
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