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A beautiful-and huge-baby of almost 14 pounds is born in Florida

Perhaps the sheer size of her abdomen during her pregnancy was a clue to Chrissy Corbitt, a Florida mom, that her baby was going to be big, really big.

But nothing prepared her for the surprise she received when, on giving birth, the medical staff informed her that she had had a little woman weighing almost 14 pounds.

The girl, who has been baptized as Carleigh, came into the world a week in advance through a Caesarean section and caused a great sensation not to appear, according to ABC.

"When the doctor was getting it out of me, I started to listen to everyone in the operating room laughing excitedly," she recalls. "When they showed it to me and told me 13 lbs 5 ozs, I could not believe.

With the surprise, new careers began, as she and her husband had to call the stores to see if they could change the disposable diapers they had bought for newborns and change them for others designed for babies with nine months of birth.

Larry, the little girl's dad, says it was really fun to see the doctor come to think that two babies came because of the weight.