Watch the unusual video of whales swimming in the bay of New York
To the surprise of the New York York Coast Guard, a restless whale was born this morning swimming in the bay of the city, near the Statue of Liberty. According to Howard Rosenbaum, of the Wildlife Conservation Society, based in the Big Apple, it could have been a humpback whale.
The expert noted that there is a population of humpback whales known to swim near the coast between Fire Island and Brooklyn.
In the video you can see how the whale explorer, nothing freely in this bay, provoking the surprise of those who could see his miraculous presence.
The issue is not new to scientists. Between 2008 and 2009, a network of underwater sound recorders stationed in that area found many of these submarine giants in a large area, a fact that surprised the experts.
According to Christopher Clark, of the Bioacoustic Research Program at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology in Ithaca (New York), these "open microphones" recorded the sounds of common whales. Investigating what the sounds were about, the scientists discovered the unexpected: blue whales, humpback whales, minke whales, boreal whales, and rare North Atlantic right whales. Apparently, these sea giants and other sea animals love New York.